Applying a soil
Second set of parameters allows you to add a custom soil to your decal area. If no custom soil is set, the soils from the terrain under the decal area will be kept.
- Soil: Select a soil document to apply to your decal area. You can also drag & drop a soil document inside the decal area directly in the viewport. You can choose to display your soil using Wang Tiling and/or Triplanar Mapping. Please refer to Terrains for these specifications.
- Scaling, UV transation and rotation : Use to adjust the soil texture to the decal area.
- Use elevation only: Check to only apply the soil elevation channel to your decal area (color, densities, flow etc will be ignored).
- Elevation Weight Channel: Set a soil channel to use as a fading weight for the elevation. This parameter is mainly used for automatically generated geometry ground decals, see Geometries for more info on geometry decals.
Modifying the terrain | Customizing vegeation |