Adding reflections

The geometry may contain reflective parts / materials. The default reflection is the sky, like with the landscape. For indoor scene, this may not be suitable. NDunes allows to define custom reflections by using reflection probes. They are objects added to the geometry and defining a bounding volume where environment maps can be computed.

To create a new reflection probe, click on the toolbar button:

Create a new reflection probe

A probe is composed of:

There are two types of reflection probe:

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Sphere vs. box probe reflection on a mirror floor

The reflection probe panel exposes properties like:

Properties can be edited using either this reflection probe panel or the selection gizmos for some properties like position, effect and falloff areas. To use the selection gizmos, you must first make the probe shape visible and display the extended gizmo showing effect and falloff influence areas, by ticking Show effect and falloff meshes .

Make the reflection probe shape visible in main view

You can then select the probe direclty in the main view or in the tree view, and edit what you need.

Edit the reflection probe using gizmos

Once all the parameters have been setup correctly, it's time to generate the reflection cubemaps, back in the geometry view.

Compute the reflections

All the generated reflection maps of a geometry are saved in a single .red file. This file can be set in the Reflection file property on top of the geometry panel.


To simulate multiple reflection bounces, like a mirror looking at another mirror, the cubemap can be generated multiple times in a row.