Global scene parameters
The global scene parameters enable you to customize the way your scene is going to be generated globally (meaning these parameters apply to NDunes documents regardless of what OSM class they might be in initially).
The scene parameters are initialized by the Blueprint Stylesheet. If you change your blueprint stylesheet, all your global scene parameters will be resetted to the stylesheet's values. So make sure you setup your blueprint document in the correct order : first input data, then customization.
Scene parameters
- Scene name : The name of the scene document that will be generated. It will also be the name of the city and network generated documents.
If the chosen scene name conflicts with the name of an existing scene, you will have the possibility to choose between "Add to scene" and "New Scene" when generating from the blueprint.
Add to Scene will not create a new scene document, but use the existing scene with the same name. Inside this scene, generated documents will be added or will replace the content of the scene. New Scene will create a new scene with a unique name and not interfere at all with the existing scene.
- Outskirts biome : The biome document that will spawn in the "outskirts" of the generated scene. Outskirts means "everywhere that is not inside a decal area or a garden". This outskirt biome will also spawn in the decal areas that do not have a specific biome defined.
Terrain parameters
- Terrain style : A terrain document that has two possible behaviors.
1) You're generating the elevation using DEM files : the primary soil of the terrain document will be replaced by the generated DEM primary soil. All secondary soils in this "Terrain Style" will be applied on top of your generated elevation. The terrain document must be setup with secondary soils using the slopes and not the masks, because the generated DEM primary soil will not have masks setup.
2) You're not using DEM files : this terrain style will be used "as is", as an artistic terrain, keeping its primary soil elevation. Other artistic terrains can be downloaded from our store.
- Terrain resolution (DEM only): The texture resolution in pixels of the DEM generated primary soil. It will impact the quality and generation time of the generated color, flow and densities textures of the primary soil.
- Compute AO (DEM only): Check to compute ambiant occlusion on the DEM generated primary soil during scene generation, uncheck to skip this step.
Input data | Customization of classes |